I sent out a short emails with the details:
1. Make 6 meals. Keep 1 at home, we will not be taste testing this round.
2. Be sure to label them and have them frozen with serving/cooking directions.
3. You can make soup, casserole, marinated chicken, etc.
4. Keep it simple to heat up and prepare- we want the mommas to be able to just throw it in the oven/microwave!
5. Please reply all what you are making, so we don't have duplicates.
6. Bring a cooler/bag to bring your items home in.
My thoughts behind this-- (family that is moving), you can use these as your last few meals, so you can pack away cooking stuff and live off paper plates! Mommas- with 1 or 2 little ones running around after the baby girls arrive, we want you to be able to throw something in the oven and have a good meal! Please send request of things you like/don't like. Everyone else, just gets some bonus meals! :) Participation is optional, but I thought it would be fun!
We ended up with:
- lasagna
- baked pasta
- bean burritos
- turkey pot pies
- healthy chicken Parmesan with quinoa
- breakfast casserole
Thanks again for organizing. Too bad we've already ate two of our meals :)