Friday, November 29, 2013

Donors Choose "iPad, iWonder"

My Project has been fully funded!! Thank you donors!! We can't wait to get our iPad mini!

Earlier this fall, I created a Donors Choose project called "iPad, iWonder." With help from GREAT family, friends, and parents, I am over halfway to having an iPad mini for my classroom!

I hope to use it not only during reading and reading workshop, but also as a way to motivate my class. If you can help or know someone who can, please share! Only 5 more days left!

Yesterday Donors Choose put out a Groupon, I'm so bummed I missed it! My project is getting so close to being funded! If you were lucky enough to grab the Groupon, here is a great way to help a classroom in need!

Here's my classroom request:

How many times have you said, "I wonder...." My students are constantly asking that as we are reading and learning. Our new reading/writing/and spelling series is called Reading Wonders and has the ability to be accessed on an iPad.
I have a class of 25 5th graders who have a variety of needs. Our school is 40% free and reduced lunch, however, we do not receive Title support. My students love to learn, however many of them do not have the resources they need at home. By giving them extra resources in the classroom, I hope to help them succeed.
Access to technology provides my students with so many opportunities. With an iPad, they will be able to research, read, video tape presentations, use it as a camera, and play educational games. There are also so many apps that they will be able to use.
By providing support to this project, my 5th graders will be able to not only answer their "I wonder..." questions, but also open their eyes to new information, practice skills, and most importantly enjoy learning.
My students and I greatly appreciate your support!




Please share!

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